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Whatever happened to...


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It seems like Skyrim has a 3rd world economy compared to Cyrodil. I got money but nothing to spend it on (well, that's not true; enchanting will have you mortgaging every property you own).

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It seems like Skyrim has a 3rd world economy compared to Cyrodil.


Well yes, that's because it basically is meant to be, Cyrodil and Skyrim, if we're looking at what they're based on in our history, seem to be centuries apart in terms of civilisation. :psyduck:

Edited by Sky999
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The Nord economy seems to be based on mining, logging and smithing. Then they go drink. And fight.


I think if they had a book store, they'd simply end up fighting each other with books as 'less than lethal' weaponry. Economy is seperate from culture. The Nords have no real need or care for the trappings we relate to wealth. It's more likely they make the things we relate to wealth (the Reach hauls out craploads of silver and gold) as opposed to being the consumers. They'd much more appreciate a finely crafted axe than overly ostentatious displays of wealth. Just because we don't see anything in the way of decadence or shining fineries and jewels doesn't mean that isn't an absolute s***load of money swimming around the place.

Edited by Khorak
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When I first read the title the opening song from Full House started playing in my head =P


I guess it makes sense because of Skyrim's economy, but it would be nice if you could affect it more

Maybe they will release some DLCs or someone will make a mod for it

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