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A few ideas


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i have a few ideas, as most people probably do, that come to me while playing skyrim, so i decided to jot them down and put them out there. maybe someone with some experience creating mods can be inspired.




'call horse' spell. call nearest horse you own, from anywhere outdoors.


'spring traps' spell (with 30 foot range?). springs pressure plate, rune, or any other trap you aim at.


bodybag item. when bodybag item is in your inventory, adds a menu when you click on a body (so long as the bag is empty) that allows you to pick up a body and carry it in your inventory. adds weight of npc plus the items they carry to your encumberance.


please, someone, improve werewolves. their ability to traverse terrain and slopes should be doubled in my opinion.


the funniest idea i have had is a custom animation for casting the detect life spell, perhaps, that flips the bird :D i just think it would be funny to give the middle finger to people, and that seems like a harmless way to implement it. i think people should react like they do when you knock s*** off their shelves and stuff: 'what are you doing that for!' and such.





a quest where you are responsible for outfitting a large faction for battle. there are 3 phases.


phase 1: Craft armor and weapons for the faction. player is responsible for providing the items, and upgrading them as desired. outcome of battle will be affected by quality of items.

reward: depending on outcome of battle, gain a 3%, 6% or 10% permanent bonus to smithing, which is active even past smithing skill of 100.


phase 2: enchant the weapons and armor you created, as desired. 2nd battle fought is more difficult, especially if you suffered heavy losses during the first battle. outcome of battle can be affected by quality and type of enchantments.

reward:same as phase 1, but bonus is in enchanting.


phase 3: act as battlefield mage for the faction during the big battle. starting this phase adds a spell similar to 'grand healing' (area healing), but with an extended healing period (say 20 points per second for 30 seconds or something). it is not interrupted when other healing spells are used during the duration of the spell. you keep the spell, regaurdless of the outcome of the battle. if you succeed in keeping 75% or more of the original faction total alive throughout the 3 battles, you are named [leader] of the faction, and the members will act as followers if desired, and a key is given to a bedroom with a respawnable loot chest.


or something like that.


that's all i have for now. thanks.

Edited by iRunmaker
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another idea, although it seems obvious so someone probably has already suggested or made this. if not, get right on it please :P


Dragonbone Weapon crafting! items possibly equal to or a bit better than daedric weapons, crafted from dragonbone. i feel that the use of dragonbone is not proportionate enough to the usages of dragonscale, causing me to have a shitload of bones i have to store or sell. i would rather have some awesome, ivory type dragonbone weapons, with carvings in the blades, etc. I have an image in my head, but let me see if i can find something online that would be close enough to represent the style i am thinking of and i'll paste a link.


here is a version someone could rip off, from WOW, of some sweet looking bows. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoX_MOCBPDUsAlUGJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cnMybzJvBHNsawNpbWc-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Divory%2Bweapons%2Bfantasy%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dytff1-tyc%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D120&w=1600&h=900&imgurl=fc04.deviantart.net%2Ffs70%2Ff%2F2010%2F272%2Ff%2Fe%2Ffea4660150fe9893ed262df51cebc8a6-d2zqs40.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdaedalu5.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FWoW-Ancient-Bone-Bow-180968400&size=264.8+KB&name=...+Art+%2F+3D+Game+Art+%2F+Weapons+and+Items+%C2%A92010-2011+%7E+Daedalu5&p=ivory+weapons+fantasy&oid=af0b3cbbd1d2f4eaf3540ad3c2197318&fr2=&fr=ytff1-tyc&tt=...%2BArt%2B%252F%2B3D%2BGame%2BArt%2B%252F%2BWeapons%2Band%2BItems%2B%25C2%25A92010-2011%2B%257E%2BDaedalu5&b=91&ni=160&no=120&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=1212277tr&sigb=13rcsgi2i&sigi=12k5imqcr&.crumb=uSK1ROcX7xD


and here is an idea for the other weapons, though i dont really care for these. it's just a starting point, i would change the shapes to be more awesome looking, obviously making them bonewhite instead also, and make carvings right through the blades, giving the weapons a delicate but wicked look. http://www.3drt.com/3dm/fantasy-arms/fantasy-arms-3d-axe-bow-sword-claw-shield-staff_17.jpg

Edited by iRunmaker
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* There are mods for "Call horse" , I strongly suggest "Revised Horses" - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3611


It allows you to call your horse, ask for it to wait or follow you and also place items on it.




* 'Spring Traps' would be a nice addition to the spell list, though every projectile spell can be used for that purpose already. For immersion purposes I would love it, I mean... no reason to throw a fire ball to cut a string hahah...true that!


* There is a mod for "Dragon Weapons" already too.



I loved your idea of having a quest for players who enjoy crafting stuff. I hope someone do it. At the moment, 95% of the guests in this game are "go there and kill random-guy", the other 5% are "go there and take random-item and bring it to random-guy".

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi. yeah i noticed those too, sucrilhus, after i posted these ideas. i didnt like the dragonbone weapons mod that was available then, but there is a new one, designed by a pro with new models. looks sweet.


here is my most recent idea, assuming no one has used it already. a spell that removes an enemies armor, blasting it off of them (causing them to drop all armor). high cost spell, i would say.

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