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summon a horse whith a horn


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hello,sometimes i like to play skyrim with no fast travel and loosing sight of ur ride happens a lot,there are acouple of summonable rides avayable but what realy would make an impretion was summon your ride whith a war horn, i saw this whith the mod tania the ermit and vilja. But,i don't know if i'm asking too much i know nothing of modding,another feature was the possibility to chair your seatle whith a companion or wife. one ride two people that would be awsomme.thank you for reading.

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For the horn summoning, I believe that a few horse mods for regular Skyrim had that feature. Unfortunately, I dont think any of those mods will be ported until after SKSE64 is released with the ability to handle those mods' needs.

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As of right now, this is your best bet: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2174/? I use it and haven't had any problems. It's also pretty lore-friendly. That being said, Convenient Horses had such a feature where you could call a horse with a horn, but it has yet to be ported.

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