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[Thieves Guild] Golden Glow Estate


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I was a little bummed after receiving the deed to Golden Glow Estate, and at that, that's all I got a piece of paper. If possible someone could create a mod evolving this estate. Firstly, you'd want to make the area player owned, as well as accessible to the player (after finishing the section of the thieves guild). Afterwards you could add other parts such as, new furnishing, hireable mercenaries, fixable bee hives, able to harvest honey and make food.


If someone would like to get behind this I'd love to hear about it, and maybe help. If no one is thrilled about adding this in, I may take it upon myself to create this mod (Not experienced, so I'd appreciate some help). Thanks for reading this request and if you'd like to, maybe collaborate on this mod I'd be up for that.


anyone interested with this idea?

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