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Importing Gmax-modified meshes in DAO


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Ok, since I have already learned how to change everything else in the game, I decided to delve into 3d modeling.


I installed Gmax, learned the basics fast and proceeded to my first attempt. I exported one of the default hair models, imported it in Gmax and made some changes. So far so good.


Yesterday I encountered a problem I haven't bypassed yet. When I import the new model in the game, it seems to behave all by itself. I mean, your PC makes some random moves with his head and body when stationary, an effect added probably for more physicality. Normally the hair is attached to the head and moves along. The problem is that my modified hair behaves independently! As far as I can tell, it uses the same move motives with the character but they don't synchronize!


I believe it has to do with the 'Dragon Age Mesh Settings' inside Gmax but I can't seem to find what to do. Any clues? Any good tutorial about importing from Gmax?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi - I don't use Gmax (I use Lightwave) but I can guarantee that the problem originates from incorrect weight maps. I've done a lot of work with weight maps and hand-weighted a brand new item recently, so it's pretty likely I can help you. Message me with the details of what's going on, and I'll see what I can do. I'll need screencaps, because it's a different program, but weighting seems fairly consistent across programs.

Did you import a .msh or .mmh file?

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