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Homebase -


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I've been looking for, like many people, the perfect homebase for fallou3. Several fantastic mods are there, but few are complete, which does not have another one. I, like many love to seek, explore and collect things. So here's my suggestion for moders on the perfect home:


- Many displays and huge self-sorters to Chems, weapons, ammo, money, caps, food and beverages (all stuff), as in the new undergound hideout in Vegas, only much larger;


- Displays for unique vanilla waepons


- Displays for weapons such as the UH in NV and Fallout3


- Quest for the acquisition, repair and use, such as the UH and Scavanger mod;


- Land protected by purchasable equipment, such as HU (laser towers, guards, fences, etc.


- System of collectibles (as in DC interiors) and displays them, like statues, paintings, toys, books, etc.


- Plantations (only larger) as in UHNV


- Dummies, as in UH


- Trophies, as in UHNV, not only of places visited, but the quests complete (and perhaps types of enemies defeated, super mutants, Deathclaws, robobrains, etc.)


- Location early in the game, near megaton or something.


- Fix weapons for free


- Teleportation, UH


- Not too big, you need to go through corridors and stairways to make things, not so small things that do not fit (UHNV has a good size)



in short: UH + UHNV + Scavenger world + 72bunker + riverside apartaments = perfect hideaway


if any good modern achieve this will be my (and many people) eternal gratitude

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Hye is there any known mod that is a large fortified building or collection of buildings with a good ammount of features includign a palce to land a Valkyrie from Mothership Zeta Crew?
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In fact, it has many cool mods, but always missing what the other has, you have a look, for example, displays the self-sorters UHNV, the fortifications of the UH, the quest to build and repair Scavenger, collectibles from DC , that is. It seems that in joining one of these mods, we would have the perfect homebase. I've tried to do, but being honest, I'm very bad at making mods. (Please forgive me for my bad English)
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You're talking about improving a great mod like this one? http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9592


Don't forget hidden rooms.


And don't forget to have the base automatically clean the radiation off ... it's little things like that says welcome home and the person that did this spent a lot of time to make it and I'm touched that they would share such a wonderful mod instead of displaying it and saying "NO not for you!"

Edited by Skyviper086
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of course not want to leave to show gratitude for the work of all these moders and his generosity to let all have, making the game more interesting for everyone. I'm just saying all these great mods (they are all very nice) but of course has its strengths and weaknesses, and that, by joining the strengths of each, in my view, we would have the perfect homebase.


I do not intend to forget the many hours, weeks or months of work by all of them.

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