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Zero dammage bow and arrow setup.


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A simple unadorned bow for it. nothing flashy or eye catching for better sneaking. and since it doesn't cause damage it doesn't need any fancy spikes and crap. Good choice I think.


I did resize a bow last night in Nifskope but since the limbs have bones those need to be moved to or the game will stretch the bow too where the bones are. really just voiding the scaling. That shouldn't be a problem in Max to scale there.

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Well, looks like we agree on most things then.


Though I am slightly confused about the scaling talk. I get what you mean, we can't make it small or it wont work right. My only thought was that even though the long bow looks good and should work well for this.... Its bigger or at least taller than any other bow in the game, and that seems a little odd for this mod. so i was thinking if it could be shorter... that might help. though I bow to your bow knowledge. Hahaha


Anyhow if we can't do anything about the size I would still like to have the bow be in all black. That would make it fit the mood of this mod better.

I'm proud to say that I have learned how to put all of these things together now. So, once the CK is out and we can make the different arrows with the effects, Ill be able make this mod as soon as i have the meshes/textures for the bow and the arrows. I can't wait :)


I may need more help once the CK comes out, i might not know how to make the arrows the way we need them. But It shouldn't be too hard to figure out, and I will have you guys helping me.

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Ok, for whoever is interested in this....


What types of effects for the arrows would you like to see?


So far I have thought of





Stamina drain



Fire effect, like what happens when you hit someone with a torch


Please feel free to add any ideas you might have :)

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Magelight would be cool. that way non magic characters can use an arrow to light up a dark place without a torch. It also goes along with the utility part of the name.

maybe a berserk spell enabled arrow for those that wants to cause some mayhem and confusion, hit a guard with it and he goes nuts on his friends. you sneak in or out while they are busy.

There is a shout that makes enemies think you are someplace else isn't there? maybe an arrow that will make enemies look where the arrow hits. kinda like a toss a stone in the bushes behind them and they go looking over there instead of where you are trick.

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Good ideas jet.


I forgot to add frenzy in there. I think I had it on my earlier lists, but forgot to put it on this one.


Magelight is a wonderful idea. I know what you mean with non magic characters. I have nothing against magic, but I just never wind up using it. I have more fun not using it. So that would work great for my play style.


And, isn't the arrow itself a "hey, look over there" device? I use it like that all the time.

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Never seems to work well for me unless the NPC's are in an alerted state already. most of the time they go to alert and stand where they were and slowly spread out rather than go investigate the source of the sound which is what i was meaning. Plus have it where any NPC in a wider area goes to investigate but not go to an alert state. such as if I fire an arrow through the main gate of a fort all the guarding NPC's will run over to the arrow allowing me to sneak in past the gate. and if they are all now by the fort door i could fire to another location and they will go there. This could be used to lead the NPC's away for a short period of time and highly useful for camps as you could make them go investigate and run into the camp and loot it or whatever.
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