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Sierra Madre: Probable Gear


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We all know that in Dead Money, all the gear we had in the Mojave literally vanished from our inventory but offhand I feel like there was a lost oppourtunity in the game.

More 'cobbled' or 'found' weapons could have been added or allowed in the add-on.


Concidering the fact that the resort portion of the Sierra Madre is fallng apart it opens a wealth of improvised weapons

Imagine Pulling a two by Four from a pile of debris and winding up with a basic Nailboard

Holes in walls can help a player rip free a Lead Pipe

Rebar Clubs could also come from various debris piles


Concidering the amount of raw material laying about one could add Tomahawk to the list of craftables (Provided you have Honest Hearts loaded)


It's not infeasable at a resort of rich toffs that 'died' during it's grand opening, that one could probably find a plethgoria of Dress Canes

Or that some guests might have brought their 9 Iron along so they could keep practicing their swing.


Seeing as the place is filled with Big MT tech it's not infeasable that at the medical centre one would find the Scientist Glove, Steriliser Glove or Corrosive Glove (barring not having Old World Blues Loaded)


Ideas for professional Modders


In the game we only see the Chem-making Chemistry Set twice (Once in the BOS Bunker where it only makes Cloud Residue and the other in Vera's room) If somone could put into the game a similar apparatus made from 'found' items like bottles, glasses and jars it could be a special item to feed collected items (like Empty Syringes, Abraxo and Embalming Fluid) and getting a weaker but still useful healant with a name like "Madre's Milk"


Or how about this... take metal pots and plates, any Pre-war outfit and a container of Wonderglue to a workbench and you get "Pot-and-Plate Armor". Fairly cumbersome and more cobbled-together than any other armor (Like what Yahoo Serious wears in Reckless Kelly) but better than nothing



Other ideas could be good as long as they keep the feel of "My gear is gone... what can I come up with?" in the game

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I like this idea. Just got back into fallout so kinda forget what dead money is like.


Pretty sure auto docs have some sort of saw (take that for a ripper?)


as far as that pot/pan armor id say it would be like makeshift metal armor (scrap metal, tin cans, pots)


trying to think of other things that can be taken and turned into weapons


I know there is some random clutter if someone could make it add wrenches and hammers as weapons


combat knife switchblade is the regular knife a weapon or just clutter?

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Had the strangest thought... but it requires you actally obtaining the treasure of the Sierra Madre Vault.


Take a gold bar to a reloading table with other bullet-making items and you could actually substitute the Gold for Lead in making the various rounds.


Not certain of the advantages of 24 Karat Rounds, other than making each pull of the trigger capable of paying off your morgage (and that ammo is weightless in comparison to the 35 pounds per Bar) . Maybe it has a special reaction with Ghost People, invoking the perk "Bloody Mess" wether or not you have the perk.



Hmm... I may have to make this suggestion in a seperate posting.

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Oh yes... Lonesome Road had a plausable weapon for the Sierra Madre.


The Nailgun!


From what I understand the paint hadn't even really had a chance to dry before the guests began arriving, so a nailgun would be perfectly ideal for this setting.


Wrenches and Hammers are in it, and maybe can be linked to the lead pipe combat animation.

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I always wondered why they didn't have hammers and wrenches usable as melee weapons. They make sense to be used as such in a land where everything is deadly and every advantage is needed. I'm amazed that that hasn't ever popped up in a mod that I've seen ...hell one mod turns paintguns into mini-flamers so why no hammer/wrench melee goodness? (btw the paintgun mini-flamer thing was active my last playthrough of Dead Money and gotta tell you it drove me even more nuts that here I am with the perfect anti-DM-ghost style weapon and no dam fuel!!).


Definitely agree with the nailgun thing it would have been perfect for DM...as would more construction style items, a prybar (uses tire iron animations), circular saw (damage about like a ripper and same sounds and animations I'd think), hell rebar clubs and nailboards were things from vanilla game that I thought were sorely lacking in a place they would logically be found, along with sledgehammers and shovels.


Basically I always felt that DM should have been a haven of found/cobbled together weaponry as they make a point of telling you that that is what most people have done and that is obviously what the ghost-people do. Construction tools and equipment along with junk built weaponry would fit right into the place like a glove.

Edited by greenknightfury
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