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Better Beast race tail animations


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I need to post in this topic, because I don't think this board needs another topic that asks for the same thing.


Now, I don't think this was requested enough. But even after my dozen Google searches, there isn't an Animation Fix for the Beast Race tails. Nor is there at the very least an Animation overhaul for them. Honestly, I believe the Human and the Mer races are getting too much attention away from the Beast Races, and that should change sometime soon! Here we are, almost two years since this game was released, and we only get, at average, 17% of the Total Mods in the Nexus that do something for the Beast Races. And indeed, most of them are only "bundled" with mods that were primarily for the Human and/or Mer Races. Where is the respect for the Beast Race? Seven out of ten, there will always be a topic online that would question the presence of the Beast Races in The Elder Scrolls series. And that's terrible! I mean, they have some unique and viable Racial Traits in the normal game that would make them great Thieves, or better Travelers with passives that allow them to stand ground in many environments, even under-geared!


Now, on topic, the tail animation bugs haven't been truly fixed yet. And aside from that, the normal tail animations have to be the stiffest things to behold! Sitting down, sneaking, falling, moving (walking/running/sprinting), lying down, the tail clips through everything, as if it were some kind of "Ghost Accessory"! They don't even have some special "reaction" animations! Tail Animation feels tacked on, is what I am trying to say, and something needs to be done about it. To anyone who reads the entire post, thank you for your time, and please pass on the word to a fellow Modder who would dare to do something for the Beast Races. Something dignifying!

Affirmative. Well said. Factually, I only play as an Argonian, as I have a Bearded Dragon (named, in Dovahzul, Paarthurnax Zeydaan, Translation: Ambitious Overlord of Cruelty and Justice) whom I always model the character after. Giving that his name is Paarthurnax Zeydaan, it makes the gameplay quite ironic, or at the least part "Faslely Enlightening." Understanding that, ultimately, the Blades tell you to kill Paarthurnax (In Skyrim), I haven't returned to Sky Haven Temple in the entire history of the game, and not only because of the fact that I have a little Paarthurnax of my own, but that he is the Wisest - and until the Defeat of Alduin one of the most powerful - Dragon that I have seen in the Elder Scrolls both in the Games and Lore. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't meditate on the Words of Power with Paarthurnax.


Regardless, even before I had Paarthurnax Zeydaan, I've played every other Elder Scroll Game I've ever owned as an Argonian - Morrowind, Oblivion, etc. Honestly, I've just had a heart for the "different guy," and not the "Cute and Furry different kind," but the kind of "different guy" that makes you exclaim - and S*** your pants - guy. To add to the severity of my preferences, I am a direct descendant of Leif Erikson, the greatest Viking King, from who's Norse (Norwegian Vikings) and Rus (Swedish Vikings) Lineage are the basis for the Nords of the Elder Scrolls. In fact, Leif Erikson's rule extended across the Bulk of the inhabitable World. My most recent Ancestors were in charge of his collection of personal items - his Logs, Maps, etc, which cannot be found in a Museum. He had litterally sailed to every Continent at least twice, walked many more miles in a day than anyone else could in a week, made Chuck Norris look like a little girl, and killed and conquered more land than any modern country's armed forces could ever even dream of, and died - Don't believe Wikipedia, whoever put in Leif Ericson's Age never got to look at his Journals and Maps from back in the day. Heck, they were hand-copied exactly as they were written (in the same Viking Runes) each time that the writing material faded and degraded - and I've seen pictures of them, as my Grandfather had access to them. (Maybe we should release them to the Museums...)


Back to the Topic, my Pride in my Norse and Rus Ancestry is far greater than anything else in my life, but I play as an Argonian because of their simplisticly peculiar design as it greatly intrigues me. Of course, I ALWAYS JOIN THE STORMCLOAKS. I don't care what you say, as the real War between the Rus and the invading Russians is the basis of that Questline, and the RUS KICKED A**!!!! By the way, most of the main people in Skyrim (i.e. Ulfric Stormcloak) were real people, as is with most of the Elder Scroll Games. But the point I'm trying to make is still present. You are right; the Beast Races do deserve much more attention, and I - a proud descendant of Viking Lineage - of all people, am aware and agree to it. Hazaahh!!!!

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