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Help to make a Male Companion to Vilja equillivent


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Hi There,

I have been trying for a long while now to figure out just how intricately Vilja was made, I have finally come the conclusion that I won't be able to do all the scripting work involved with making a companion similar to her caliber.


For years the Elder Scrolls and Fallout world have lacked a decent male companion and I truly believe I know enough about Elder Scrolls lore, Story Writing, and Voice Acting to be able to make a Male Companion for Skyrim or even Fallout at some point.


It all comes down to this:

I need someone to help me do the rest, I know it will probably be a pain, I have mailed countless people who are excellent and scripting yet they do not seem to have any interest in this venture, I was just taking a chance, As I do not know anyone in person who even knows how to make a simple mod! -_-


I can provide:

Writing for Personality, Story, Quests etc.

All must be lore friendly and so must the interactions and outcome be of the companion.


Voice Acting for Companion (Unless an aspiring voice actor would love to take ahold of the opportunity but then you have to be in this for the long run, For the next few years at least, Elder Scrolls 6 is coming one day!)


I already know more or less what I have planned for this companion as I had years of thinking about it already, I even had hours of dialogue typed out, And questlines and interactions, Both radiant and such, I started with voicing the lines but SADLY my HDD decided it's time to move on from this world and I had no way of making any backups (alas)


The companion will be a part of the Skyrim environment in a sense, Won't know a great deal about all the politics and affairs of the world, He will love adventuring and creating items for himself (maybe for you as well if you treat him well) With effort, Won't be a naggy and needy companion and may provide limited insights into a situation or quest.

I will throw in (highly optional) Romance dialogues for both lass and chap (I mean come on why not?)


The companion's Fighting Style and Class will be decided with my Team when I have one, We can even decide on his looks together.

I am very open minded and gladly listen to new ideas.


I also have a unique idea on how to "Include" him into the world of Skyrim which will set him aside from other companions on Nexus.


I know working together with someone on a mod is very risky and anybody can steal your hard work, This I know. (someone may steal all my work too!)


If you are even remotely interested please personally contact me and I will gladly share more information with you--!


In all honesty, I was so tempted to just write a few storylines for quests in Skyrim and give them away to see a mod made from them, Because I lack the skill when it comes to writing scripts and optimizing the fine details (I can find my way around making mods But not any mod as intricate to be on par with Vilja), And ever since I developed floaters in my eyes, Looking at a monitor just makes me upset so it gets annoying when you try to learn something with all these crap floating all over the text all the time!


I believe in good ethics and a strong team play spirit, Most of all honesty and trust, So let us make another amazing mod for the spotlight together!


If you are here to ridicule me, Go ahead, I do not care and won't respond to any of your negative input.


Thank you for your consideration and time you put into reading my post!


And so it was not foretold when Gunelda The Shield Maiden sought adventure,

That her fate would be met with the utmost ferocity of Mother Nature,

And the shocking truth be told on her corpse as she lays stricken in a pit, Devastated by one of the deadliest forces in Nirn, Nature.

Frail, broken and forgotten thus The Elder Scrolls rewrite the prophesized tales of a meant to be Hero once more.


-- Gunelda The Forgotten --

-- *End of Volume* --




(Future updates to be marked by * )



1. First and most of all, A fitting name, Please feel free to get involved I would like to have the community involved in the development process

2. Create a Semi Voiced Demo of Companion in Falkreath

3. Expand Companion's Storyline and Characters involved, His personality and revise everything if necessary

4. Take on Voice Actors and possibly additional writer

5. Create some "Concept art"




For voice acting opportunity please refer to available dialogue

(Feel free to send a Demo, No doubt a proper mic is necessary Beginners guide to Voice ActingTrust me it is reliable, I am a singer in the real world and approve of that wiki article, Some steps may seem ridiculous but you have no idea what a singers vocal training is and just how embarrassing it can be hahaha!)


Planned voices so far:


The Companion

Companion's Nord Mother

Companion's Nord Father

Random Encounters with a Ghost like figure








Name: (Will pull up a voting poll eventually feel free to throw out a few names) Let's call him Companion for now.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Imperial

Born in Province: Cyrodiil

Combat Style: One Handed / Shield

Profession: Farming and Smithing


Current aspiration: Become an Adventurer, Find out who he truly is.




Companion likes a good adventure and loves to talk about the things that he encounters, Most of all he likes to spend his free time when not traveling to read, do smithing and watch the stars on a clear night in Skyrim. Most of all he tries his best to make his Mother and Father proud by doing the best in what he can, His father being an ex Adventurer and an ex-member of Penitus Oculatus in his youth and training Companion what he had learned in his young years as a Nord serving his Country faithfully, Companion soon took a liking to all the tales that his father spoke of and most of all he learned he had a strong and solid arm for smithing fine weapons and armor, Although not all was fruitful and generous to himself and his family especially that a Nord couple would choose to raise an Imperial Boy, Who by chance came to the Nord couple as an infant, As mysterious or predictable as that may seem he will soon uncover the stories of his past and who his real parents were and just how he ended up all the way in Skyrim, On his 25th Birthday after much hesitation his parents accepted that he had to find out where he came from and who his real parents were so that he could fill the hole in his heart and so that he may move on to a happier life and become the person who he wants to be, The player will be immersed into the gripping story of young Companion and may choose to help him through his struggles and forge a lasting friendship or quite possibly a strong partnership, But will the dark truths which surface in Companions life leave any hope for his survival and his friendship to you?






It is exactly 3 months before Alduin would terrorize the people of Skyrim when young companion wakes up being called for a family meeting, It is there that his mother and father put together all the gold they have made from their farming and smithing season and give to companion to go to Cyrodiil to find his family with nothing more than a vague letter left behind for him as an infant, He soon set out with Draka, His horse and rode to Cyrodiil where he searched and searched for weeks for any kind of information about what the object of his letter was, On one quiet night during his stay at Imperial Bridge Inn he was awoken by a man who snuck into his room then silently woke him up, Companion woke up in a panic quickly grabbing the dagger from under his pillow and calmly said that he is willing to defend his life unless the man explained himself, The man spoke, He listened carefully, It was a member of the Thieves guild who had heard about a man asking about a mysterious object, Companion gave him his last few golds and the Thief promised to return with information regarding the object, A few nights later the Thief would return and tell Companion that he has no interest whatsoever to pursue this quest further, But he is keeping all the gold, That he wants nothing to do with anybody involved in The Dark Brotherhood, But companion in an anxious confusion then angrily stared at the Thief in the eyes and told him that he is only looking for his parents and the Thief is his only lead, Very reluctantly the Thief whispered one word "Skingrad" then very quietly snuck out the Inn's window and disappeared off into the night.


Companion was very confused and had no idea what a piece of paper and Skingrad would help him to accomplish, Most of all why the Thief assumed he had anything to do with The Dark Brotherhood, Regardless he made his way over to the Castle and requested an audience with the Count, The Count would then notice the Amulet around his neck and ask him where he found it. Companion says, "This old thing? It's a relic from my past life I suppose, Please take a look at this letter" The Count hastily responded "No, That Amulet belonged to a Noble Family in Skingrad " Ignoring to look at the letter,

Companion flushed and half in shock couldn't grasp the reality that he was born of Noble blood, The Count would then lead Companion to a room filled with old deeds, files, cabinets, and trunks. "Companion, It is without a doubt in my mind that you are in fact the lost child of the Noble family, Aside from your obvious resemblances but, It is with a deeply saddened regret that I have to inform you that a few years ago the Thalmor ceased your families property, And there's more",

Companion then completely silent listens as the Count further explains himself, "Not only was their property ceased but for reasons I can not disclose to you, Your family was publicly executed, I am truly sorry for this, But here, I will arrange a carriage and a guard to escort you home with these coffers, When your parents were executed there was nobody to lay claim to their property, I had no choice and told my Stewart to sell the property, The gold that was left was then stored in our Vault in case somebody came along someday to lay claim to the property, There was obviously fee's and handling charges to be paid and the obvious storage of my vault included. I never cared for time, however, Take it and be on your way"


Companion couldn't believe it, How could his family have been executed? and most importantly why? What lingered in his heart is that he will now never have the chance to meet them or to find out why they chose not to raise him,


He would return to his home in Skyrim to discover that his Nord family has vanished from their property without any given notice or reason, Completely confused and broken he seeks the help of someone worthy to find out what happened to them, But something led him to Falkreath and it is up to the Dragonborn to uncover his story.






Upon encountering him and the player has not yet completed the Main Quest "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller"
Companion would refuse to talk to you


Please, Go bother someone else.

Don't you have better things to do?

Sod off already.

After the completion of " The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller" He would greet the player finally because now he knows that there is nobody better to assist him than the Dragonborn himself.


(The numbers represent the dialogue options of the player and the responses of Companion)


1. Companion: Are you the one they call Dragonborn?

1. Player: Yes, Why do you ask?
2. Player: That is what they call me, yes.

1. Companion: I have a problem I need some assistance with if you're interested, There is coin involved.

1. Player: Alright, What is it?
2. Player: I don't have time for this

1. Companion: Thanks for hearing me out! I recently arrived home to discover my family missing from our farmhouse, That's not all, I tried to find out what happened to them and where they went, But nobody has any information, Not even their closest friends were aware that they have been missing.

2. Companion: Well come back when you do have time then.

1. Player 1: (Continue to hear him out)

1. Companion 1: But that's not all, Ontop of all that I also have no idea where to start looking for them, I know this seems like I am asking the impossible, But please, I beg, Help me find my family!


1. Player 1: Very well, But where do we start?

2. Player 2: Some other time, Perhaps.


1. Companion: Well, I just, I don't know, Maybe start by the farm and look for clues, Here I'll mark the location on your map, Please, If you find anything seek me out immediately!


1. Player: Aren't you coming with me?

2. Player: I'll see what I can do but no promises.


1. Companion: No, I mean, Alright maybe it would be better if I came along, Lead the way.

2. Companion: Thank you! Thank you so much I knew you would help me!


QUEST STARTED: A Family Mystery




This illustration serves as a brief description and look into what I am trying to accomplish here, Keep in mind there may be mistakes and etc, But I will revise the dialogue and background story when the project officially starts!



Please note that nobody has permission to repost my work or the work of those involved in my team as their own without any written consent directly from me, Nor edit and change it in any way to appear as their own or create any content from it or claim ownership of the content, Credits will be fairly provided for those involved in the project, No money will be made from this Project and any donations made from herein or in the future will be solely focused on the project alone and transparency provided to our patrons in private, There possibly won't be a version for PS4 / XBOX One in the near future nor do I have any plans to limit the mod's availability by making it a Steam Workshop mod. From this moment forth my work and the work of my team is hereby licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



Nexus Mods for the wonderful forums and making all mods generously available

Bethesda for CK & making my story possible


Edited by unknownman
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Might help that you speak of the other male followers and which attributes you like and dislike and how that would incorporate into your mod. Possibly some potentiel dialogue you have in mind for conversations with Vilja might perk peoples interest in voice acting. Good luck with this.

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Might help that you speak of the other male followers and which attributes you like and dislike and how that would incorporate into your mod. Possibly some potentiel dialogue you have in mind for conversations with Vilja might perk peoples interest in voice acting. Good luck with this.


So if I understand you correctly, You recommend that my Companion speaks of other followers, Correct?

Currently, to my knowledge other than Vija there are 2 other companions who also interact with the player and their surroundings,

And there are quite a few other favorites on Nexus that my Companion can talk about, Especially or Preferably after he have met them.


(3DNPC are also extremely extensive, So plenty of room there)


Attributes as in Personality or Skills? :smile:


Thank you so much for your feedback by the way.


PS - Gunelda The Forgotten would be amongst one of his favorite literatures. Just by the way.

Since I love writing I thought I could add a few tales to the game with him, (Vilja likes to read too!)

Edited by unknownman
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Hi. It sounds like a very interesting project and I hope it takes off. The fact that you are looking for a name for the young Imperial Companion kinda caught my eye - I wonder if you'd like to brainstorm a bit? As in, what are you trying to convey about him by that name? What are some of his most defining character traits, physical features? Or maybe did the foster parents consider him a special gift? Were they young or old when they found him? Had they any children besides him, or was he an unexpected blessing for them in their old, feeble age when they were past childbearing? Did they give him a Nord name, or an Imperial one?
Hope I'm not annoying you, it just tends to help me when I'm indecisive about something in my writing when somebody asks me questions. If you'd like to discuss it, I'd be glad to :) Also - I'm not much of a modder yet, but I can put together a house in CK (provided it's a simple one, without custom scripts). If you need a farm for the parents and your Companion, I could give it a try. Though I guess that's something you can do yourself based on the description, oh well :) I thought I'd offer it just in case.
Best of luck.

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Hi. It sounds like a very interesting project and I hope it takes off. The fact that you are looking for a name for the young Imperial Companion kinda caught my eye - I wonder if you'd like to brainstorm a bit? As in, what are you trying to convey about him by that name? What are some of his most defining character traits, physical features? Or maybe did the foster parents consider him a special gift? Were they young or old when they found him? Had they any children besides him, or was he an unexpected blessing for them in their old, feeble age when they were past childbearing? Did they give him a Nord name, or an Imperial one?

Hope I'm not annoying you, it just tends to help me when I'm indecisive about something in my writing when somebody asks me questions. If you'd like to discuss it, I'd be glad to :smile: Also - I'm not much of a modder yet, but I can put together a house in CK (provided it's a simple one, without custom scripts). If you need a farm for the parents and your Companion, I could give it a try. Though I guess that's something you can do yourself based on the description, oh well :smile: I thought I'd offer it just in case.

Best of luck.


Hi thank you for your feedback!


I like to brainstorm!


That is an interesting question and I have already given it thought (Because I was developing the story further and left out details in the story on this page so Player can hear it from Companion)


and his parents were, in fact, a middle-aged Nord couple who married in their traditional ways, But they could never have any children due to something the Father contracted on his adventures when he was younger, So of course they thanked the divines when the Imperial Boy was brought to them and since he was raised a Nord they would no doubt give him a Nord name, But at this point in their lives they are quite old, They secretly hold Talos close to their hearts as well and believed their son is destined for greatness through his actions over the years they had raised him.


I would say some of his traits are definitely that he is an affectionate person, Quite stubborn like his ol' Nord Father, He is reliable yet a bit disorganized still, Based on his outburst at the Thief he is quite determined and easy to angry when it comes to sensitive matters, We can define his character more as the story goes on.


This project will require a lot of investment for me personally because I want to create a truly unique character and a great quest for the player as well. To throw out a bit of spoiler and fun, The general aim is for Mystery and Horror for the initial quest, I have other ideas for Companion's other stories, Not everything has to be the same all the time, Throw in some adventure too!


I have used CK too, (Believe it or not) Created a few of my own companions with UFO and etc, But when it comes to those custom scripts I have nooooo idea what to do, As for building Farms and Houses, My knowledge is pretty limited too on that part.

As for the Farm, It would then have to be a moderately sized kind of farm (Building wise) with a basement and limited smithing tools, Nothing fancy.


I appreciate your feedback, Thank you!

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