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Better organised save files


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To be honest I doubt that this is even possible, but I thought I'd post something here to get some feedback. I personally am not capable of making this mod at the moment, but I might give it a go when the CK is released.

I have one major gripe with Skyrim, and that is how cluttered your save files can get. Every file you make on every chatacter just gets dumped into one folder, in the order that you made them, but why does it have to be like this when it is such a confusing and annoying system? Plenty of games use a system where each character you make has their own folder for save files, so you first choose which character to load a save from, and then it only lists that characters' saves. Since they are in different locations each character's save numbers can start from 1, which makes it much easer to keep everything organised, and to delete all the old saves from each of your characters without having to check every single file to find which ones are your newest for each character. I would love it if such a system could be implimented.


tl;dr: I want save files to be stored by character, like Dragon Age and a few other games did, in Skyrim.

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