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Rate my build (suggestions?)


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If you want to save some perks on enchanting, just go for the middle tree. If you want to stick with weapon enchants, I'd go as you did with both left and right tree. The charges in weapons run out fairly fast, especially with a fast weapon and Soul Siphon could help with that. But I've never got those myself yet.
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Heavy armor is ok, since if you'll be focusing on archery, the noise shouldn't matter TOO much since you won't be getting that close to your opponents. However I see the use of perk points on both two handed and one handed a waste, choose one then spend the others on other trees. Better spend it on maxing out the Archery tree. I grant you that putting the other perks in archery would be excellent.


Maybe its just me but I don't really see the point of this, making a build before you start the game. Sure it would be nice to have some idea of what you want to become, but when you get there, you realize, oh it seems this would have been a better choice, but now I spent perks on the other stuff.. You can change with the game. Mostly I just think of what I want my character to be: pure mage? archer? warrior? paladin? Then think about what three or four skill trees I perk up first to get to level 15 or twenty. Then after that the game should take care of itself.

Edited by chanchan05
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Heavy armor is ok, since if you'll be focusing on archery, the noise shouldn't matter TOO much since you won't be getting that close to your opponents. However I see the use of perk points on both two handed and one handed a waste, choose one then spend the others on other trees. Better spend it on maxing out the Archery tree. I grant you that putting the other perks in archery would be excellent.


Maybe its just me but I don't really see the point of this, making a build before you start the game. Sure it would be nice to have some idea of what you want to become, but when you get there, you realize, oh it seems this would have been a better choice, but now I spent perks on the other stuff.. You can change with the game. Mostly I just think of what I want my character to be: pure mage? archer? warrior? paladin? Then think about what three or four skill trees I perk up first to get to level 15 or twenty. Then after that the game should take care of itself.


I wouldn't put any points into two handed until maybe after lvl 50 just for hell of it. I've already put points into Sneak, Heavy Armor, Illusion, and One-Handed and I'm having fun with it. If I really need to go sneak, I just take off my heavy armor and if I get detected, I put them on. I cast muffle on myself often and illusion lvl up really fast. I've not put points into any other skills yet. I'm focusing on those four for now. I'm a warrior/theft hybrid.

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Another option is to use the Illusion spell Muffle, which is fairly early (Adept, level II spell). Only problem vs enchant is you have to re-cast (base 180s duration).


Heavy armor archer works anyway, but don't expect the armor skill go up fast as archers is ranged and not planned to get hit. It's possible to power-game and let weaker enemies hit you just to level armor, but that is not fun (according to me).

Edited by MrBuio
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