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Stuttering when new objects load.


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I am running Skyrim on a new computer that has been running it perfectly up until yesterday.


I installed the skyrim HD textures mod and while visually everything looked great the game stuttered badly as i was running across the landscape. When it stuttered I could hear my HDD accessing, so i assumed that the larger textures were taking more time to load into memory and that was what was causing the stuttering.


So I uninstalled the HD mod, but the stuttering is still there tho no where near as bad.


So then I uninstalled Skyrim, deleted all content on my pc except game saves, even mods.


I am now running a completely fresh installation of skyrim without mods and it is still stuttering.


The only think I can think to do to remedy this is to defrag my drive which I am in the process of doing.


In case that doesn't work, has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas as to what might be causing it.


It isn't bad enough to stop me playing, but it is annoying as it was working perfectly before.


Any suggestions are appreciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I started getting the same thing as well..

Used to have the 2k Texture lite pack on with no slow down whatsoever.


After I installed the DLC it's been pretty ridiculous. Micro stuttering when rotating view, etc. Usually only upon entering an outside area. I checked my GPU and it gets a huge spike in its use during the lag times. I understand it's trying to load textures, but I don't think it should take such a long time to process & load.. It brings my game to a crawl whenever I slightly turn in any direction. Strangely I've been able to slightly get around this by alt tabbing in and out, then it's pretty smooth again.. I also am trying an FPS limiter hoping it would help, but doesn't seem like it is.


AMD X3 @ 3.4GHz

EVGA 560 TI (OCed)

GSkill 4gb 1600 RAM

1tb 7200 RPM HDD.


I hope someone has a solution for this..

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