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Finding Damage in the esm file


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First off, if there is an easier way to modify the damage of a weapon then please let me know!


What i'm trying to do: I want to make a bow (probably the hunter bow) have better damage; simply because I like the look of the simpler bow.


What i've done so far: Using the FOMM and TESnip i have opened the .esm folder for Skyrim; gone into the GRUP(WEAP) heading; copied the (huntingbow) file; created a new .esp; pasted the (huntingbow) file into it and saved it.


What i've gathered: from elsewhere during my hours of scouring the internet I have gathered that "damage" is contained in the subrecord "DATA"


If I open the subrecord DATA I get the hex string : 32 00 00 00 00 00 E0 40 07 00


Soooo, essentially my question: what now? Which part of the string directly relates to the damage of the bow? And are there limits to what I can change it to?


Honestly, please let me know if any (or all) of this information is wrong! When I started this process I assumed it was going to be fairly straight forward... now I'm no longer sure of that!


I know the CK will make this all easier, but I was looking for something to mod for the game and I don't feel like waiting for the CK!


Edit: Can I simply modify certain values in the string and then change them back later if it doesn't work/ breaks something?

Or will it just mess up everything? (is trial and error okay?)

Edited by 1854
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