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"A Cornered Rat" quest won't start


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Hello, I'm having this unpleasant issue. I've finished the "Diplomatic imunity" quest, but the next one,"A Cornered Rat," did not start. It simply isn't in my journal at all. I've tried the to type "setstage MQ202 160" in my console while standing in front of Esbern's hideout, but nothing happend. I will appreciate any help :)
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I just experienced the problem today on my ps3...I went to Riften and found the guy Delphine was talking about, but he just wanted my to complete another quest I had refused to do earlier...so I went to the Bee and Barb, but the bar tender had nothing for me. So, I went down and found Esbern on my own, only to have him not talk to me :-/. I reloaded several times and every time completed Dip Immunity, but Cornered Rat never began. I went back to Riften and did the Guy's quest...I wanted to wait to do the Theives Guild, but I'm going to do it now, then go back to Delphine, and hope it'll trigger it. I've been searching all day and haven't found a solution yet.
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Not sure if you guys are still having this problem. If so, I hope this isn't too late. I was able to contact Bethesda support and here was there reply:


" If the player has already started A Chance Arrangement and are directed to talk to Brynjolf for A Cornered Rat, he will not talk to the player regarding the Cornered Rat quest until the player completes the quest Chance Arrangement. Completing Chance Arrangement will open his dialogue options for A Cornered Rat


If you find yourself stuck on a quest, review the Quests log and ensure you are familiar with the goal. Investigate any available Quest Markers on their map. As a general rule, if a quest seems to be broken for some reason, try reverting to an earlier save to see if the problem repeats or corrects itself.


Please clear the cache and then get the patch for the game. If all else fails please try a previous save and/or new game. Please also visit our forums and blog online.


For the Playstation 3 please review the information below.


Sometimes freezes can be due to a corrupt game cache, so our suggestion would be to delete the cache and start the game again.


To delete the game data cache, you need to delete the entire game folder within the gamedata utility of the PS3 XMediaBar. Then load up the game again."

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