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Request: Edit head size


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I don't actually know but if somebody would post (if there's a way to do that) , I'd make Jarl Vignar Graymane's head's scale 10,then shoot fireballs into his mouth. o_O
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  • 1 year later...

Over a year there was no reply to this? ._.

C'mon guys!, at least post us a nice tutorial of how to accomplish this with NifSkope or Blender, I've looking all over the internet and I'm very newb at modding, I just want to make a taller-looking char by making his head smaller x3.

Edited by ArtyomAmadeus
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You are correct. showracemenu will allow editing of the head size.

I believe you can do this with the racemenu mod. You just can't alter npc's without doing it through the creation kit, I believe.

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  • 6 months later...

the person who did the poet plugin must know an answer to this... cause poet's head is scaled correctly. where as if i just copy a poet the duplicate doesn't seem to inherit that scaling... or hair or face textures... this part of the creation kit modding seems a bit under documented.

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