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Having a CBBE issue?


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My CBBE suddenly doesn't work out of nowhere. I'm trying to get the nude version to work, and it's been working for months, and then today it just suddenly doesn't work. I haven't installed any new mods except some armors, Badass Dual Wielding ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65934/? ) and a weapon positioning mod ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15658/? ).
I'm not trying to use bodyslide or anything, just the regular curvy nude from ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/? )


I have used this forever and today it doesn't work and I can't figure out why. I've deleted and reinstalled it twice through NMM, and another time manually.

I went through the FAQ:

Q3a: Why are the bodies not changing after I install?
A1: You didn't install a CBBE-compatible armour/clothing replacer and/or are not looking at a nude female adult character.
I'm looking at both a Nord I made and two dead bandit females. They all have the yellow underwear and the vanilla body.
A2: You're using a custom race and didn't copy over the meshes/textures into the race's folders.
I'm using a Nord, and the bandits don't have any race changes applied. I have no race mods.
A3: Go to Documents/My Games/Skyrim and open Skyrim.ini with WordPad/NotePad. Look for the [ARCHIVE] section, and if you see bInvalidateOlderFiles=0, change the 0 to a 1...or delete the entire line.
This line isn't in my .ini at all.
A4: You're not using a Steam-connected copy of the game. Buy the game legally and you're all set.
I bought this game when it first came out. Been Steam connected and legit since 2011.
A5: Your mod manager of choice isn't installing the files. Try installing manually.
NMM install didn't work, manual install didn't work. It asks me if I want to replace the items when I copy/paste the textures and meshes folder to data. I say yes. Start up game. Still no changes to myself or NPCs.

Any advice? Something I'm missing? I don't have any other mods that affect the female body.
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