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Dark brotherhood armor - clipping problem


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Hi there!


I hope this is the right place for this request. If not, forgive me.


I downloaded this Dark Brotherhood mod: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6249 and I really like the outfits so far, but there's one problem. I'm playing a character focused on two-handed melee (yes, I know that that is not very assassin-like), but the satchel (see attachment, if you don't know what I mean) is causing some really ugly clipping issues with the two-handed sword on the back. So, my question is, can anyone just remove the satchel from this armor or place it somewhere, where it doesn't cause clipping issues with the sword on the back?


I'd be really grateful. Sorry, if that's not a big deal, but I have no clue about modding myself, so I'm not able to do it.


I'm playing a female character, btw.


Thanks in advance.

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