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Graphics issue and Game crash when trying to create a female.


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so my mod list is as follows


BodySlide and Outfit Studio

Bounce and Jiggle 7.8


Feminine Argoninan

Feminine Kajjit

FNIS behavior



Remodeled Armor for CBBE

xp32 Maximum skeleton extended


With skeleton activated the models only stand rigidly with arms out to the side, with it deactivated game crashes in female creation.


With RRF active game always crashes on female creation. i use NMM idk how to make this work, some help would be appreciated.

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You probably didn't install / set up your physics framework correctly.


- Install all the files needed for "Bounce an Jiggles" to work. Read the mod's description. Scroll down to where it says "requirements / Install order". Follow the instructions for the setup you want to the t and install everything, that's needed. Apart from FNIS and XPMSE you also need RR&F and the "HDT physics extension", which will require SKSE.

- Run FNIS as described on its mod page. The "T-Pose" you described occurs if you don't run FNIS Generator for Users.

- For HDT physics to work, you will also need to build a CBBE HDT body in Bodyslide.

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