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New World Region


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I am trying to make a mod that will add several new world spaces that will all have a speicific climate and appearance such as one region will be a mountain range. Another is going to be a swampy area like the everglades. I also plan to make an Island, Rain forest, and Desert and a few other things but I don't have much experience with the Construction Set. I can easily make the landscape and heigtmap and everything like that but I cannot script AT ALL. so I am looking for a scripter that could make scripts such as an activator on a slope in the mountains and when you click on the hill it will ask "Would you like to dig a small cave for shelter?" then your options will be "Yes" or "No"and if you select yes then it will go to a black screen and you will hear snow shoveling(optional) and then the screen goes away and 4-6 hours pass and you have a small cave like thing dug out for you to sleep so you dotn have to travel to wait. I also want to have avalanches in the mountains and if it isn't possible then I will take a storm atronach and make it snowy looking and name it "Avalanche" even though that is cheap I kind of like that idea as a back up. And i have seen the mod DUNE and I liek the sandstorm feature and I would like to add a snowstorm in my mod. Take into account that I would be making the land and painting the snow and ice and things down then making the mountains and all that the scripters would be doing is making a few scripts and hopefully would like to help me on my other regions in the future :biggrin: Also so I dont forget to mention, I am going to make a town and I have a friend doing the interiors for me(I think, otherwise I will do it). So in this town I plan on making different people who will tell you about the different regions and give you equipment for those regions. And the town will have its own worldspace and there will a certain number of "Great Gates" that will lead to the different regions. And I really don't plan on making quests yet because I don't feel like doing all that stuff :wallbash: and I would like to do 1 landscape at a time and wait a month or two and fix the current one up then start my next one. So thanks for reading and I hope I will get some people :thanks: . Just message me on the forums or reply to this and tell me if you can do anything. All help is appreciated.

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Landscapes really don't work like that. You might be able to get something close, but there will probably be limited functionallity. You also sound like you're planning a huge project without any single unifying theme beyond "making landscapes and maybe a town". Such broad ideas usually don't end so well since people are unsure what exactly your project is, and suggests that you havn't really given it much thought beyond "this would be cool, that would be cool, maybe we can do this". Generally, projects which have been planned out quite a bit, and have a series of clear goals tend to look more viable.


You may also want to considder using paragraphs to seperate ideas. What you have there is rather difficult to read, just one step better than if it was lacking punctuation. It may be that you seem to drift too much from ond idea to another. You should probably try to organize your thoughts a bit better.

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Vagrant is right, it's quite unlikely that constancy alone can get you anywhere. Instead, ever thought about joining an existing mod group working on a project which could include some of your ideas ? There are many of them looking for valid people.


Also, instead of creating a pointless separate world, why not just use the piece of Hammerfell included in the map ? It should be icy anyway...

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