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Realvision ENB not working...


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So I have narrowed down the problem to it being enb host or d3d9.dll. If I delete these and run skyrim it runs fine but then when I add them to the skyrim directory it CTDs at loading or creating a new game. I have tried to download this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109


It did not work. I also tried to put the dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll into my skyrim directory and it still didn't work. I'm also using Windows 10 which is probly the problem. Does anyone know a fix or is experiencing the same issue? Thanks.

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Win10 is definitly not the problem. Any ENB works well at Win10, if its correctly installed.

Can you give more details of your install?
Which ENBseries version you use?
How you install it?

What other mods you use ?
Did you use SKSE and start the game with it?

Maybe post also your enblocal.ini

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Installing an ENB is probably the biggest pain in the ass in terms of modding. What I found was using NMM/MO or even the Realvision launcher wont always work. What you should do is install all the Realvision files manually. This is what I had to end up doing when I was forced to reinstall all my mods 8 months ago.


Crashing on startup could possibly be the lack of memory (?) I believe you have to go in the enblocal.ini and put like lets say you have a 4gb vram card under memory you should see something like this at least this is what I have.


I also believe you have to turn off AA and something else in the Skyrim launcher graphics I think that may be another reason for CTD.
Edited by swagmoneybrah
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Win10 is definitly not the problem. Any ENB works well at Win10, if its correctly installed.


Can you give more details of your install?

Which ENBseries version you use?

How you install it?


What other mods you use ?

Did you use SKSE and start the game with it?


Maybe post also your enblocal.ini

I downloaded the required mods (RLO and COT) and I use enb series 279 as reccomended. I also you some texture mods like skyrim 2k and SMIM. I install enb host and the .dll file in the skyrim directory and I edit the ini files exactly as they are in the description. I did use SKSE. When I add the .dll into the skyrim directory I ctd.



Installing an ENB is probably the biggest pain in the ass in terms of modding. What I found was using NMM/MO or even the Realvision launcher wont always work. What you should do is install all the Realvision files manually. This is what I had to end up doing when I was forced to reinstall all my mods 8 months ago.


Crashing on startup could possibly be the lack of memory (?) I believe you have to go in the enblocal.ini and put like lets say you have a 4gb vram card under memory you should see something like this at least this is what I have.


I also believe you have to turn off AA and something else in the Skyrim launcher graphics I think that may be another reason for CTD.


Never thought of doing it manually that may work. But would that stop the .dll file from making me ctd?

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Which proxy-dll is setting in your enblocal.ini?

for Realvision it should like this:


And in your Skyrim-folder should be only a d3d9.dll (892kb) and d3d9_smaa.dll (167kb) , no other dll's from directx.

Can you also say which type of GPU you use? Maybe also your Driver-Settings?
Some of them are realy important to work with an ENB (AA / AF / FXAA off)

the listed recommended Mods are not realy necessary for this ENB to work well, its mainly the prefer look of.
I play self with the Realvision ENB at Win10, with only few Mods from that list.
It realy depends how powerful your machine is.

At the other side, did you tried an other ENB to work?
And if so, was it successfull?
Could be important to know to locate your problem.

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