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Undiscovered locations not visible on radar


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Those little empty triangles aren't in my game for some reason. The filled triangles will appear when the location is discovered but the empty ones are nowhere to be found.


I disabled all mods but still no luck. Anyone have an idea what could cause this?

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Are you using a HUD mod? If so, which one?


It's always useful to post your "Load Order" (LO) with your problem description. (Use the "Special BBCode" button in the Forum "Reply" menu bar as the third icon from the left in the top row, next to and left of the "Font" pick-list field to put the LO in "Spoiler" tags.) Screenshots are not the best way to convey your LO, because they usually can't include everything in one image. LOOT can copy your LO into a list suitable for posting on forums. (It's under the ":" with three dots to the extreme right in it's menu bar.) Most "mod managers" have a similar "LO List" capability. But the total number of mods you have installed in the DATA folder is also important, because even inactive plugins are counted against the so-called "140 cap". LOOT provides both numbers: active and total installed.



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