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Good luck keeping this site, as well as any other type of file sharing site up if something like this is allowed to happen. If ACTA is enforced, say goodbye to Youtube, your favorite file sharing sites, movie streaming, etc.


This ACTA bill could affect the movie industry, music industry, internet service provider industry, gaming industry would be toast... anyways, I will let you all check it out for yourselves, do some research, help stop ACTA!

Skrypto - Anti-ACTA





Here is a man pointing out some facts you might not have awareness of, pertaning to ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA, and how most of the big names and companies have all dipped their fingers into Copyright Infringement, advertising and ENDORSING illegal sites/methods/tools, but nothing is being done to punish them. Also, how a bill like ACTA can be passed without ANY public notification, no media coverage, basically keeping the public in the dark while they draw their knives and secretly plan to carve the freedoms out of the lives of every average person using the internet, everyone listening to music, everyone watching movies, everyone playing video games, everyone posting their Art online.... word needs to get out, this isn't some small time petty hype joke, its already in effect in some places, people HAVE been jailed, people HAVE been fined... but I'll be damned if we the people will sit back now that we have knowledge of this hypocrisy.

Edited by Skrypto
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Great, wrote a whole text only to recognize that i'm not truly informed.

I thought it's only Austria and Poland who are signing the treaty, but now it's the whole EU?!


Now, i just type this text to push the topic. This is really something everyone is concerned with.

ACTA means that your provider is forced to check your Internet behavior (which sides your on, what your downloading and so far)

and treat you like a potential criminal.

This would really be the end of the free Internet.

Edited by Dingenskirchen
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Sure, yep...but know what, they do, what they want, like the next EURO-Saving Treaty (which is a tyrant treaty...banksters and industrys can take this way the political power of the EU, just like in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal already, where Goldman Sachs puppet were FORCED into prime-minister chairs...)


This is fascism, sure...but hey...land of the free and so on...yeah...right..*rolleyes*


In gamers word : We are stuck, and the patches are, well...."not in sight" or "must be your system...all wents goood here..."

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The president already signed an executive agreement for ACTA back in OCT 2011 If I remember right. Which is also pretty ****ing illegal in this case.


*edit* That means Congress or Senate isn't involved, which means much much less public knowledge and scrutiny.

Edited by Silvaner
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