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Body Sliders


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Okay, so Bethesda kind of made it sound like we would have way more body sliders than just a weight slider, and that really excited me. But it turns out they didn't give us them... So, does anyone think they could make a body mod with a skeleton capable of adding more sliders to the character creation menu? That would be really cool, and if someone could get it working soon, it would fix all the issues with trying to get multiple bodies in the game, AND it would fix the issue of having to convert clothing and stuff... It wouldn't be very easy making the mod, but whoever made it would become a legend in the community... WE WOULD BE IN AWE.


There could be shoulder, waist, hip, breast, chest, neck, height, etc, etc


I mean, why would Bethesda give the character creation menu a body section and only give it ONE shape modifier?


Oh, and sorry if someone has already posted this.





Bump post removed. -myrmaad

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