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Young link tunic mod


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Ended up starting a new game and reducing the number of mods I'm using. I did some more tweaks to the preset. I tried doing the eyebrows, but they were so high up that if I moved them down any further down the head than I already got it at, the head would start slightly warping. I also did his cheeks, chin, nose, and eyes. I also changed his eyes to a more darker blue as to better match how his eyes were in Hyrule Warriors.

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That is a huge improvement! Well done. Appreciate that you took my advice, most impressive. :happy:



That's really odd about the eyebrows causing a warp, whether ECE or Racemenu I've experienced face warps before myself which weren't pretty to say the least haha :laugh:, eyebrows actually look pretty good now though, so it's fine.


Hmm, :geek: let me analyze the face, hmm... ok, only thing that I could see now is the face needs to be more round still, see from the sides it's very wide when compared to the picture of Link, it could be the jaw making it appear this way, naturally his face is fairly round. Lower lip needs to be smaller if possible, width for lips I'd say bring it in just a bit not a whole lot, just barely. Bring mouth height up, it's give him more of the child look he has. Bring chin up after bringing mouth up. Nose looks a bit pointy from the front (nose tip) you may want to make it more of a button, I know creating a button nose can tend to be quite difficult as it's a very complex shape. Eyes are the right size, maybe more narrow. He does resemble Link now much more now, so you're definitely heading in the right direction! : )

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It's most likely due to the angle that it makes the nose look pointed. From the side, it looks round to me. I'll try re-adjusting the jaw, but I'm trying to keep it from making him look chubby in the face. As for the mouth/lips, I don't know if Racemenu has the mouth size feature. And I'm wanting to try and keep to where if someone wants to use the face (With credit given though.) for a follower that can be easily ported over to Special Edition with little to no problem considering that followers made in ECE tend to have problems once you try using them in Special Edition. Another thing that I forgot to mention about the race, I went for the SkychildrenWoodElf race as i felt that Young Link and Link in general is more of a Wood Elf than a High or Dark Elf. And on a slightly different note, I also made a custom menu screen for Skyrim featuring Young Link, Custom menu music and an edit logo. (That changes the game name on the menu to The Legend of Zelda Skyrim instead of Elder Scrolls V Skyrim.)

Edited by RedCaptainJackR
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It's the middle of the nose tip very small point, it points down. From the front it doesn't appear this way (round) though. I understand. Considering SKSE Beta will be released this month sometime, problems with ECE and Racemenu may no longer occur who knows. Hadn't heard about followers with ECE causing problems in SE, that's not good. I'd have to check again to see if RM has the mouth feature or not. Hmm, wood elves tend to have more scrunched faces...wonder if that's the reason. It makes characters appear more slovic, for my Twilight Princess Link I made him a Nord with elf ears.. I know Nord is a human race but Hylians are pretty much humans with pointy ears, they're like human elf hybrids really lol. Some actually do that create a human face elfify it then port the head to an elf in CK. Wood elves are probably the best though to use, elf races do mess with facial structure quite a bit so this explains why his jawline seems slightly off, High elves and Dark Elf faces are very scrunchy with wrinkled foreheads so it forces faces to become less, well natural. Alright yeah I'm sure many would like to have a young Link in game. Looking forward to seeing more updates! Like I said earlier you've improved him drastically! I believe you can make him look identical to the real! He's already so close to getting there! :smile:



Hm, sounds pretty interesting.

Edited by Simdrew1993
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey it's been a while Captain! Good to see ya again! If you are using ECE for character creation this is actually a problem I ran into myself, what worked for me was making a new game save when it all works fine with eyes of your choosing, then save over the preset with the new save and it should load properly now, ECE is weird in some ways because if you have many eye or hair mods then uninstall them, change load order, or even deactivate them it will glitch up causing it to load different eyes and hair, my best guess is it reads what all mods are installed, so by reloading the save with the good eyes then resaving the preset over again it should fix itself, worked in my case anyway.


Racemenu may do this too, so far it hasn't for me just ECE, actually no Racemenu did do this once, only once for me though a while back. Can't remember if you mentioned which one you use. If it doesn't end up being what I suggested I'm more than willing to try to help you fix it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've recently made a new discovery. While I am still going to try and work out the problem with my Young Link preset, I found out that back in 2012, A user made custom armor that was the actual full model of TP Link. Put it on and it takes up being armor/clothes, footwear, gloves, and hat, but you'd look just like TP Link. Perhaps someone could do a similar thing for Young Link. (Using either his Hyrule Warriors model, or the Brawl mod model.) And import him as full on armor to wear. The only downside would be that you couldn't have him wear any other armor/footwear/helmet.

Edited by RedCaptainJackR
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