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Female NPC face model and texure replacer


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Now, I'm a visual guy myself, so here's a screen or two for the proof of concept and what all I'm doing to the women of oblivion.


The first image is of Eyja the Nord - I understand there are mods based on just that one character alone.


The second image is directly off of the editor that illustrates an imperial male and female that do NOT rely on each other's texture file.

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Basically these 2 NPCs, the third isn't that bad really, and none were as bad as I remembered. found here east of Bruma. Honestly not a big deal if they get too pretty, just something I thought I'd mention ;) Hopefully you can get it packed up neatly, alot of the people who want pretty NPCs probably also have pretty characters so will probably have at least some of the mods yours currently calls dor, I'd assume.



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  • 2 years later...

Hey what happened to this thread?

here i was reading bout this awesome mod coming out from slyfox37 and everything was moving along nicely he'd fixed his NPC Dialog problems he was posting nice looking screen shots of his work then BAM.......nothing


did he ever finish it?

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