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Skyrim - Tasheni Follower


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Hi community,


after two years of work, getting the basics and endless messing around with the ck I document from now on the development of my companion mod with a gallery and a blog at dark creations. I'm very thankful that they host my project and give me the opportunity to show my work. You will find me there under the alias Tasheni and under these links:




I hope to release a first version on nexus near end of april. Until then, there's a lot to do.


Take a look, if you like, I would appreciate it a lot.


Greetings from Tasheni


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Thank you for your kindness, Elias555, I posted the videos at the video section on nexus, I thought, they will be good placed there, don't wanted to spam all sections with my stuff. :smile: But if you like it: I've made a new one:





Greetings, Tasheni

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