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College of Winterhold Rebuild Questline


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It would be neat to have a series of quests that results in the repair of the damage done to the College of Winterhold. Once you become the Arch-Mage, you start by contacting the Jarl of Winterhold to hire workers to repair the bridge to the college. The next step would be to aid the Jarl in repairs or improvements to Winterhold (maybe a magic spell shop using one of the damaged buildings and other things) that result in attracting new visitors and residents. Then other repairs to the college. Sort of an immersive quest. At the end, the college is repaired, there are more students and the town is rebuilt with maybe some city walls for protection. And relations with the Jarl improve.

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I was thinking something very similar but instead, once you become arch-mage, after a few days Tolfdir would approach you asking for you to help him with something. He would start by telling you he's been working on a spell similar to that of Telekinesis but much more potent and stronger. He explains he wishes to test the spell out on the bridge leading to the college in the hopes of repairing it, using the spell to lift the debris from below to repair the bridge. However, with the Jarl being so distrusting of magic after the incident, he asks you to talk to the Jarl and convince him to allow Tolfdir his experiment.


You succeed and Tolfdir casts the spell and it works, repairing the bridge. Tolfdir would approach you being very happy and pleased with the result and upon learning that the spell actually works, he would ponder on using it to restore parts of the city and the college. Waiting another few in-game days he would approach you again and would ask you to maybe come to an agreement or even a collaboration with the Jarl of Winterhold. Since repairing certain parts of an entire city is a much greater feat than repairing a simple bridge, Tolfdir would require your help and thus, learns you the spell. Then, you would follow him to a certain point in Winterhold and the both of you, standing on opposite sides similar to the first quest about using wards, you would both cast the spell. Upon succeeding, the Jarl would approach you, being very grateful about what you and Tolfdir accomplished and would reconsider changing his opinions about magic and the college as a whole.


A mod like the one I described would probably not happen since it would require someone very good at scripting and a few voiceactors, among other things. It would be ambitious to say the least.

Whichever route the author would go, a mod like this would be awesome.

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