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EDIT: The txt file showing my mod order listed them backwards (Bottom of this list is actually the top priority).

Just as title says. I use Mod Organizer this is my mod list in order:

EDIT2: Solved it (Idk how to change the title so sorry!)! It was the Wenches mods causing my crashes.


-mofu_1Hand Sword Power attack forward
-2H katana attack animations
-Illustrious HDT Cloaks of Skyrim
-Cloaks of Skyrim
+Crash fixes
+Project Flintlock Rifle - Sequel to Musket Mod
+Return To Sender
+Judgment Wenches
+Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting services-
+Dragon Stalking Fix
+Daedric female armor replacer
+Blackreach Retreat
+Younger Delphine and Smaller Ulfric and Tullius
+Blades Bikini Armor
+aMidianBorn Blades Armor
+Better Shield Position (fix)
+Chao's Redesigned Lydia
+The Housecarls - CBBE variants
+Females Of Riverwood
+Deadly Wenches
+Immersive Wenches
+Vogue Rogue Armor
+Man Those Borders
+Better Vampire Lord Transformation
+Resplendent Armor and Greatsword
+Shield protect from magic
+Sexy Loadscreens 3
+VictoriaG Load Screens 1
+Main Menu Background Replacer
+Floating Healthbars
+No bethesda Intro
+Customizable Camera
+Age of Aggression-Oppression - Main Menu Music
+Ultra Realistic Crossbow Shoot Sounds
+KUNOICHI female voice
+Smooth blades draw and sheath
+Skyrim Sizes
+KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - Cheat
+Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice
+The Notice Board
+The Paarthurnax Dilemma
+Akaviri Player Home - No Load Doors - Danya's Retreat
+Summon Skeletal Horde
+Colorful Magic
+Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
+Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
+Legendary Skyrim Crossbows
+Zerofrost Mythical Armors and Dragon
+TK Dodge
+Phalanx Stance - Alternative Block Idle
+YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander
+Nordic 2handed attack animations
+Gravelords- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - dark souls - sithis)
+Immersive Soulgems
+No More Glowing Edges Mod
+Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
+Real Shelter - Full Release
+LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One Installer
+Equipping Overhaul
+TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim - Male and UNP female
+Tembtra Thief Armor UNP - CBBE
+Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood
+Helmet Toggle - Show Hide
+More Perk Points per Level and Dragonsouls to Perk Points
+ãDSAMGãDragon Soul Absorb More Glorious
+KS Hairdos - HDT Physics
+Thane Weapons Reborn
+OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim
+Follower Saige The Purger
+Unique Uniques
+YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight
+New Animation - Power Thrust
+Realistic Animation Project - Idles
+Realistic Animation Project - Movement
+FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (dynamic)
+Immersive Armors CBBE and UUNP Refit
+Immersive Armors
+Wearable Lanterns
+PapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
+Immersive Patrols
+Multiple Floors Sandboxing
+UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
+Weapon Parry Standalone
+The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod
+HDT HighHeels System
+HDT Physics Extensions
+Alternate Start - Live Another Life
+XP32 Maximum Skeleton
+Realistic Ragdolls and Force
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
+ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer
+A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads
+Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer -Work In Progress- by Killer Keo
+Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
+Play Random Idle
+High Poly Project
+Enhanced Lights and FX
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02
*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03
*Unmanaged: Dawnguard
*Unmanaged: Dragonborn
*Unmanaged: HearthFires
*Unmanaged: FNIS

Edited by xAznFox
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I would try out this load order for your mods in the plugin menu:

Dawnguard <--- take note of this order for your .esms
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[Other .esms]
Unofficial High Res Patch
[utility Mods] (things like SKSE Scripts, UI Extensions, papyrus util)
[All other .esps/mods]
Modern Brawl Bugs Fix
[Texture mods] (Mods that make skyrim look better)
[body Textures/Meshes] (Mods that make NPC or player look better)
[Animation Mods]
XPMSE <---I would get the extended, which is the newer version of xp32
Alternate Start <---you should get this
[Anything LOOT sorts after it]


Make sure that you don't move/alter/delete any mods on an active save. Skyrim bakes scripts into your game, and if those scripts are no longer there, it could CTD.

Edited by snelss0
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