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Mod ideas of Buildings and Clothing!


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Hello there. I have no skill in modding, however I have a few ideas for a few mods that I think would be great.


Hyrule Castle: Zelda fans knows what I am talking about! Basicly, a White castle inspired by the castle in Zelda, Preferably with a bath and garden included! There are many other wonderfull buildings and landscapes in this game that would make a great addition to Oblivion.


Claymore: The anime. I, personaly love the design of the armour they wear there and the weapons! It'd be great if I were able to wear them myself.


Snowfall town: A beautifull town, pure white with snow. Warm lanterns that fill the streets and perhaps a castle for the player? And a warm indoor bath for the townsfolk!


Sheena gear: The lady Ninja in Tales of symphonia. Her gear is amazing.


Well, I'd be happy if anyone get's intressted in any of these suggestions. I have not seen mod's like these but if they exist and I have missed them I apologize. Aswell if they're Hard to make! If anyone needs reference pictures just say the word.

Have a nice day.

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  • 3 years later...
I agree. These mods REALLY need to see the light of day and its really bothering me that they haven't. Skyrim is the best place to introduce these mods, but I haven't heard ANYTHING. I'm half temped to start hunting people down and asking for some of these.
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We could really do with some more Fire Emblem armor.


Yes, yes we could.


Gabriella's has some Nephenee sets, which of course I adore, but more would also be nice.


Do you happen to have a link for that? :P

I know SPB has some Fire Emblem stuff, but unreleased.

I also know that Eirika's outfit was on the Nexus at some point in the past, but is long gone.

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