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Merchant Guards & Reactive Inventory


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Hopefully the title makes sense.

I just sold an orcish dagger to Birna in Winterhold, and it got me thinking. On the way out of the shop, I saw the same dagger sitting on the bench, though it wasn't mine. (Wish it was.)


My idea (doubt it's original, but w/e) would have two layers to it.

First, is it possible that items you sell get put on display in that persons shop? Maybe not for every shop, especially since you'd need space for display etc, but maybe in the specialty ones or something.

Second, could additional guard npcs be created to stay in the shop? I was thinking nighttime guards too, to make thieving much more of a challenge than it is currently.

If you really wanted to get creative & in depth, it could be an addition based on investing in shops via the speechcraft perk. (Hopefully it isn't already like that, otherwise i"ll look like a fool. lol.)


Anyway, this is probably stupid or w/e, but I'm curious...

anyone find it interesting?

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