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Thoughts on Sibling incest


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I just wanted to get people's thoughts and opinions on incest between siblings. Do you think it's Ok? Is it morally wrong? Share your opinion and justify it, no," Its disgusting just because" nonsense. Sharing stories or experiences is fine, but make sure you give enough context so it's not overly vague. WARNING: Remember this is a debate and NOT a place to find fapping material or ask for pictures. Also this is only discussing the topic of incest between siblings, and not between other family members. Finally this is a sensitive topic, so use a little common sense and don't start flames wars with someone just because they disagree with you or have a different opinion. Now my opinion, but first a little background. I am 15, male, catholic, and have never had, nor ever intend to have incest. I believe it is ok as long as it is not being forced (ie rape), both individuals are 14 or older, both are within about 5 years of age, and safe sex is a practiced.
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I think...


...that this topic is going to be locked. Seriously.


You can say as much as you want that it is only to be discussed in a serious manner, but there are still site rules to consider.

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Morality isn't actually the only issue.


The issue is genetics. Incest leads to a much greater chance of a large range of birth defects and mental retardation. The Morality angle was made because people at the time had little understanding of genetics, but noticed that when siblings and near family bred the offspring was usually 'cursed' with some sort of deformity or handicap. In time, this 'curse' became attributed as a 'sin'. This is why incest is seen as a bad thing regardless of religion or culture (except for royalty, and even then they acknowledged the problem of "blood becoming 'thin'").


There are also severe social implications as well. Families who are "close" don't spread out as much, integrate new ideas and aspects into their culture and usually become stagnant and apprehensive of "outsiders" because they are not forced to look outside the family for partners. It is a sort of closing off of others, and usually makes outsiders equally apprehensive, or outright uncomfortable dealing with anyone like this. With reasonable diversity comes growth and prosperity... Incest is just contrary to the model that society, even primitive ones, are built upon.


On the issue of "Safe Sex"... Nothing is completely safe. Condoms break, chemicals aren't potent enough, even sterilization practices can sometimes be botched.


So no. No. Hell NO! Don't care how hot you think your sister is, it's just bad beyond words. Sin for a reason.

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