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Shades Retex


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Need help re-texturing shades or Lucky Shades, Both have same models and same textures. What I really want to do is just tint the glass part red instead of black, but I am failing at it. I "thought" I had it all red, but in Geck it turned out to be pure black, no shading. I am using texture set, but the file format seems to be an issue and my inability to figure out what is actually tinting the glasses. None of the DDS files seem to have any Gradients. So idk.


Well I have diagnosed the problem to a few things. As I have been playing around figuring out where the problem is.

1. I am not sure how the tint works for the Sunglasses.

2. (Biggest Problem) Saving format. I save the DDS from Photoshop without changing it, but the format or something is wrong. With, or without alpha it doesn't want to work properly.

BUT if I just rename the base file with a different name, it will work.

Edited by Ruathaz
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