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weird loading problem


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I recently installed skyrim on my new pc, and since then i have this issue. the loading screens take forever. And i mean forever. One time i went out, went to the store, bought some lunch, had lunch and got back home and it was still loading. Funny thing is, when i do ctrl-alt-del and hit 'task manager', it promptly goes back to the game and suddenly its loaded and i can play without further problems. Untill the next loading screen, where i just ctrl-alt-del again, select task manager and suddenly it loads.

So task manager is open, but it doesn't stay in windows and snaps straight to the game.

So now i'm just ctrl-alt-del'ing my way trough but it would be nice if there was a way to solve this. Especially when i do it too often my computer says 'screw this'and my game crashes. (does not happen every time, but enough to be a nuiscance) Does anyone know what's going on and how to solve this?

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