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Ren's Beauty Pack


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I was obliged to delete my old character due to some mod mismatch after I reinstalled Oblivion that basically made my character invisible :wallbash: . Anyway, I am starting a new one and I had trouble today finding Ren's beauty pack to start my Mystic Elf. I found it at one place which cost money. Can anyone redirect me somewhere I can download it for free. I have tried Tesnexus but for some reason, I couldn't find either Ren's pack, Exnem or Eshme's mods either...



Thanks a lot! :thanks:

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http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...p;id=1011#Files --- That is the website you have to register and pay.


I don't get why people keep saying this, is it a tesnexus fanboy thing?


both sites are fine but yes you need an account on PES a FREE fileplanet account will suffice...

it's just because it is part of the huge gamespy/ign/fileplanet network, if you're a serious gamer looking for news you won't get around that network.


but either site is okay, I guess...

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