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Set stage when player picks up holotape


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Hello, me again, sorry I created a bunch of topics but I'm telling you, I searched everywhere and tried everything, and nothing worked so far.




Player has to kill Tom, Tom has an holotape that is lootable after he's killed. (Stage 20)

Tom dies, Player has to loot his holotape (Stage 30)

Once looted, he has to activate it (no need to listen fully) (Stage 40)

Player activated the holotape and has to find the hint (Stage 50)



Problem: Stage won't set to 40 once the holotape is looted from Tom.


Do you have anything that could help me?


What I done so far:



Script type: Object.

scn MamboHolotapeACTIVScript
begin OnAdd player
if getStage MamboQuest01 >= 20
if getHasNote MamboHolotape01
       setStage MamboQuest01 40

I tried for hours every type of code. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Since you can't attach scripts to notes, anything that needs to trigger upon picking up a note is usually handled with an intermediary item, usually a misc. object. I'm guessing this is what you are doing now.


I don't see you adding the actual note anywhere in the script. Also, the GetHasNote condition is kind of redundant.


Try this:

scn MamboHolotapeACTIVScript
begin OnAdd player
    if getStage MamboQuest01 >= 20
        setStage MamboQuest01 40
    AddNote MamboHolotape01

RemoveMe removes the intermediary item so you end up with just the note.


This should get you to where the player must listen to the note. To get to the next stage, use SetStage MamboQuest01 50 in the result script of the dialog topic that the note plays.

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Thanks for your reply, it works for stage 50.


I thought I could attach script to the note when picked up it set stages, but I guess you can't. Can you be more explicit on how to handle it with intermediary item ?


Your script doesn't work probably because I missed something like the intermediary item.


I'll try to figure out at the same time.

Edited by JimmyRyder
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Does Tom have a script that sets the stage to 30? I assumed you had that covered.


If you copied the script from my post it won't work if the stage is not at 20 or above.

Edited by Ladez
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Yes what I haven't mentionned is that Tom has bodyguards, and every bodyguards + Tom have to get killed to stage up to 30 and it works so far. (Dunno if that changes anything mentioning that)


Stage is at 30 when I try, I want to it to go to 40 once the holotape is looted from his body. But it stays on 30 with "Loot his corpse, take the holotape" what I already done.

Edited by JimmyRyder
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