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Free, automated nuka cola manufacturer


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It's not automated, but rather a crafting station. Uses the NukaMixer model from the DLC, so you MUST have that.


-buy the base drinks nuka colas, booze. 10-20 caps per drink. (quantum req 1 nuc material ea as well)

-make any drink ice-cold instantly. nukastuff, booze, purified water. Dirty water, no. Go use that in something else first.

-still mix the various nuka stuff AFTER you've done the quests. I could have removed the quest requirements, but no, that's cheating too much.


Going to break it out into a standalone today. Mixer easy, redoing all the recipies: tedious.

Going to ADD new drinks today as well.

(Canadian Beer at the very least)


6-pack option also coming to speed things up in crafting. I mean, gotta have a 6 pack of beer. (24 case as well for Beer only too)


The mixer itself didn't require power, and ADDING power req to an item is annoying to say the least.


I need to also add in new stuff to make an FO4 Canadianized variant of the Pan-Galactic-Gargle-Blaster.

(yes, you could just wrap a slice of lemon around a brick and hit yourself in the head repeatedly, but...

oh yeah, no lemons in game either. Lemon Gumdrops will have to do)



EDIT: Standalone version uploaded.



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