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Unarmed combat balancing


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Hi, I've been playing an unarmed Khajiit and realised that it's unbalanced with how the 'Fist of Steel' perk works.


I've started to use SkyEdit yesterday and begin to learn the basics of modding. But I can't seem to make the glove's armor rating (not the BASE armor rating) as damage.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the 'Fist of Steel' perk has hardcoded the unarmed damage increase depending on what type of glove you wear.


If this can be modded, then unarmed would be balanced as its damage will scale from the Heavy Armor skill tree and perks. It also gains damage from Fortify Heavy Armor enchantments. Also, Khajiit and Argonian's bonus unarmed damage should be available only when wearing non-heavy armor gauntlet (it's just not realistic how wearing a heavy armor that covers Khajiit's whole hand and them still being able to attack with their claw bonus) so that they would get a better head start but it also makes all races viable to be an unarmed warrior.


So my question is, is there a way to change the 'Fist of Steel' perk increase the unarmed damage by reading the normal armor rating instead of being from base armor rating? Or do I just have to wait for the CK release?

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