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[LE] Developing a mod, need skse and flash communication info

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So I could be wrong, which happens quite often. x)

But I think my last post was shut down due to being in the wrong section.

I am unsure, I just can't find it and I didn't receive a warning so I may have just lost it.

But I thought I would re-post this because I think it was shut down.


I currently am trying to develop a mod, it needs a flash file to communicate with an skse plugin.

I do not have anything made besides the flash file, and a partially done plugin.

I need to be able to communicate with the skse plugin via the flash application in skyrim.

I know skyui does something like this. but I think it only does it from within a save game.

I am just wondering if it is possible to do this from the start menu.

I can't seem to find much info on it anywhere.

I messaged schlangster but he hasn't seen it yet so I was hoping i could get some input here.

If anyone has any knowledge of skse and as2 flash application communication please let me know.

My skype is Serifaz2

look forward to hearing from you :)

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