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Vault Expiditionary Force


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I am trying to create a Mod. I do not have a grand name for it yet, and am currently calling it simply VEF.


The VEF, or Vault Expeditionary Force. The mod is going to take place in its own stand alone area, located on the border to canada (not sure exactly where yet). I am trying to make it a feuding area with multiple factions, allowing the player to choose a side. The VEF falls in as more of a third party, acting as a shield to stop hordes of monsters trying to migrate south, that have not been seen in the wastes.


I am not very talented in using any of the tools really, but if I can get it, I want to create a place that changes between the couriers visits, showing a huge cause and effect impact from the players choices. Give the Courier the choice to maybe even marry, or have a child. With new companions and fully voiced NPCs. New items, gear, and other goodies. I want this mod to truly resemble a paid for DLC.


This project will take a lot of work, time and effort. Well see where it goes @.@


Comment, concerns, suggestions, and criticism are very welcome.

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