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Bugged? dwarven female armor


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Hi all, (please excuse my bad english)


I was unhappy with the looks of the dwarven armor when worn by a female character.

The mesh used by skyrim is just slightly thinner than the male version.


So I took a look in the data folder and found out that there is another mesh with an actual female armor design (with breasts and all)



uses: ...\Data\textures\armor\dwarven\m\female\dwarvenarmor.dds


Well thats the mesh for the item lying on the ground (although when I drop my armor the mail version is used)


Since there is a modded version that intends to make the armor look more female (still no breasts though), I thought I ask if anyone noticed that.


I understand this is not really bugged but unfinished?

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^ This ... Skyrim, as a product, is still basically an "Alpha Version" I won't even dignify it by saying it's in "Beta" form, there are so many half finished, never finished, finished but never used, finished but only half used, leftovers from production design, leftovers from previous games, leftovers from some ones lunch, assets in the game, I'm amazed it even runs at all! ... Plus you could probably halve the disc space required for the game just by tidying it up a bit and cleaning out all the useless or unused stuff.
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