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Armour Lists


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Would like to know the extremely good heavy armors for males (coming back from the unp female character)


Im looking for full plate, dark/obscure armours , but any good heavy armour il check out!


Already know zerofrosts and the replesdant armour

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I have a different standard than most which makes me dislike most of Zerofrost's armors but there are 2 armor mods I use. The best one of all armor mods out there imo is gechbals Stormlord Armor. The next one I use is Dreogans Dragonbone Ebonsteel for the late game. Both look amazing and they're also lorefriendly, which is really important for me.

Edited by Skagens
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I guess you could also check out gehbals other armor mod - Emperors Will. It's a well done armor mod but I personally don't like the look of it so I don't use it. Other than that, there aren't many armor mods that I like.


Most armor mods are either taken from other games which doesn't make them lore-friendly or the models themselves are pretty good but the textures are horrible. And then there are those that look too japanese, ie: too Monster Hunter looking but that might just be something that annoys me.

Edited by Skagens
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