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Nexus Mod Manager Broken!!!


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My Nexus Mod Manager is broken, It gives me the message "login information is invalid" But my info IS NOT INVALID, I use the exact same ligin and password to get onto this website and forum so I know 100% I am typing it in correctly.


Also before this problem happened my Skyrim worked perfectly until I tried to play it today..... for some reason It keeps crashing on startup and giving me the message "Skyrim has stopped working and is not responding" or something like that.



I have a ton of mods installed and the game ran perfectly with them all on until I tried to boot it up today and all of a sudden I have all these problems.

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For the Mod Manager:


Do you have any special characters in your password? To log in to NMM you need to have only letters and numbers, no special characters like ,"$# etc. If you do just reset your password in "My Settings".


For the game:


Uncheck all mods and try will it work. If it does check them one by one and start the game after you check one. When it crashes just remove the last mod you checked. Basically, trial and error.

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Yeah, it seems there is no solution at the moment, here's a quote from the site owner:


This will be related to the new domains and cookies we've rolled out across the sites. Kenneth has a new version of the client almost ready to go, so if you cannot login please be patient and a fix should be out very soon.


I think you'll need to wait for a new version of the client. By the way, my suggestion is to set NMM to remember your login (when you actually manage to login), that way you can avoid these kinds of problems.

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