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Persona Mod


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I'd like to request a somewhat difficult mod based on the Persona game series.


What my ideas for this mod were I'll write after this sentence.


A new shout added:


Per - First word - Project

Summons a creature of choice for 20 seconds.

So - Second word - Soul

Summons a creature of choice for 45 seconds.

Na - Final Word - Self

Summons a creature of choice for 60 seconds.


You can choose between creatures to summon that you have, and the creatures you summon raise in level and last longer depending on these below.


Marriage -

If you are married, your persona gains 20% damage

Companions -

If you have a companion, your persona becomes 10% faster and gains 10% damage

Guilds -

If you are the master of a guild, your persona gains 20 health(per guild) and gains 15% damage

Speech -

For every 10 levels of speech, your persona gains 5 health, 5% damage and becomes 5% faster

Conjuration -

For every 10 levels of conjuration, your persona lasts 15 seconds longer and gains a 2% critical hit chance

For every 15 you get the higher version of the creature(if there is one)(if possible, having the creature/persona level up as you use it would be great)


The way in which you gain more personas(summoned creatures) is by defeating and collecting a certain amount cards from each creature.


The list of persona and their card requirements is as follows.


Skeever - 1 card

Mudcrab(small)/Mudcrab(large) - 3 cards

Dog - 4 cards

Wolf/Ice Wolf/Pit Wolf - 5 cards

Dwarven Spider Worker/Dwarven Spider Soldier/Dwarven Spider Guardian - 6 cards

Saber Cat/Snowy Saber Cat - 7 cards

Bear/Cave Bear/Snow Bear - 10 cards

Horker - 12 cards

Troll/Frost Troll - 13 cards

Chaurus/Chaurus Worker/Chaurus Reaper - 14 cards

Draugr/Draugr Wight/Draugr Overlord/ Draugr Death Overlord - 15 cards

Frost Atronach/Flame Atronach/Storm Atronach - 16 cards

Skeleton/Corrupted Shade - 17 cars

Dremora/Dremora Lord - 18 cards

Spriggan/Spriggan Matron - 19 cards

Wisp/Wisp Mother - 20 cards

Ice Wraith - 21 cards

Mammoth - 22 cards

Dwarven Sphere/Dwarven Sphere Master/Dwarven Centurion/Dwarven Centurion Master - 23 cards

Giant - 24 cards

Dragon Priest - (Must defeat all 8 of the mask users and get Konahrik)

Skeletal Dragon/Black Dragon/Frost Dragon/Elder Dragon/Blood Dragon/Ancient Dragon - 30 cards

Sheogorath - (Must have Wabbajack and have read any of the books about him)

Sanguine - (Must have Sanguine Rose and have the Dremora Lord persona)


Thanks for reading, and I hope someone might fulfill this request some day. :thumbsup:

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