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Need a team


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I already got hundinman and Almelexia, but I need more, specifically a modeller and a texturer.


The mod is Chronicles of Morrowind, and if you read my old website, it is an epic mod that has four parts. see my sig for a few more details. Vampries is the theme of Part 1, and I need some M4D M0DELLERS and CR4ZY TEXTURERS to help me. To join, sign up at my forum @ http://stormscape.57host.biz/phpBB2/index.php and PM me there. It will help to give refrences to stuff you worked on to check your skill. Once verified, you get acces to the Chronicles Team Forum and the Chronicles FTP Server, which is where you'd most models and re-texutred armour once you join.


EDIT: January 15, 2004


Ok, I'm getting desparate now. Just PM me on the MWSource forums here if you want to join. Modellers, Texturers and a scripter are needed.


END: January 15, 2004



EDIT: January 17, 2004


And this is why I need a scripter. I got a great script but I don't know how to make it. HELP!!!!!


END: January 17, 2004


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