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help my character is deformed


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hello i need some help first of all i had the SOS mod installed for my males and it worke fine after that i instlaed couple dozen mods and everythong was working fine untill i installed all-in one hdt mod and my charcter was looking rly ugly body was much larger than legs, so i though id fix it whit the change race menu but the options of bodyslides was not there, after that i uninstaled and reistalled it couple of time and at some point it worked so i contiuned playing whitout the SoS mod, but one day i turned of my laptop when i woke up and started playing it was back so i did whole thing again but it was still there, so in conclusion its not the SOS fault or the all-in one hdt theres somethign else messing whit my characters form and i dont know how to find it

also i tried uninstaling the racemenu but when i switche d the body to leg proportion correctly the armor was still the same as the body (body was huge legs was small) and also when i saved the game skyrim crashed so there was no way to fix it. Thats where i need your help

thank you in advance

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Any hdt mod for SOS needs to overwrite the original meshes for SOS with HDT enabled meshes. So when installing any hdt mod for males, make sure it overwrites anything it wants to from the original SOS.


After installing your HDT mod, (re)install XPMSE skeleton: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/? In the XPMSE installer, there's an option for racemenu sliders for SOS. Check it. Let XPMSE overwrite everything it wants to. The original male skeleton from SOS is incompatible with HDT mods, wich will result in various deformations.


After installing XPMSE, (re)run FNIS generator.

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