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Removing Radio Stations from Cells


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You could try using the papyrus MakeRadioReceiver command to disable the Pipboy's radio capability while in your cell.

Nb. There are lots of other papyrus commands for controlling radios.

Edited by steve40
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I've managed to get to a solution, although there's probably a better way to do it.


I basically attached a script to an object (a ham radio) and placed the object within the cell I wanted, making sure to set the property associated with the script to the location the object was in.


Below is the script I used:


Scriptname zzNoRadioScript extends ObjectReference

Group Location_Properties
	Location Property MyLocation Auto Const

Event OnLoad()
	if (Game.IsPlayerRadioOn() == True)
			While MyLocation.IsLoaded()
				if (Game.GetPlayerRadioFrequency() != 86.1)
				Game.SetPlayerRadioFrequency (86.1)

In words: When the object is loaded and the players radio is on, set the radio frequency to 86.1. While the player is in the location defined and the player is not listening to the frequency defined then set the radio to the defined frequency - essentially stopping the player from changing the radio station while in the cell.


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