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Tekkaman Armour and Weapons collection


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I'd like to build the armour(s) and weapon(s) from the anime series Space Knight: Tekkaman Blade (the one from 1992)


This is the main characters armour and weapon: http://img62.imagesh...29002467348.jpg - full webpage: http://imageshack.us...467348.jpg/sr=1

This is the first enemy, looks fairly lore-friendly http://img40.imagefr...b_ba1_u95yx.jpg

It should be possible to create a lore-friendly back story.


I need some better images however. And then some help Skyrim-izing it

I'm using the new Blender 3D (2.61+ at this writing)



As an aside, this one is also very interesting, could be a good dragon armour, with a different texture. http://imageshack.us...6288273190.jpg/

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