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I don't understand daggers...


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At first I thought they were better than other weapons for backstabbing, I was wrong.

Then I thought that they were needed for the dark brotherhood gloves or the final sneak attack perk, I was wrong.


So what exactly are daggers good for?


Oh well I guess it was what I feared, just another glitch...

Edited by Warunho
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Daggers are extremely over-powered. Through the sneak perk with the dark brotherhood gloves you can deal x30 damage. If you dual wield daggers and do x2 x30 damage it is quite possible to one shot those (both daggers attacking) dragons that are perched on rocks for city reputation quests. They are much better than other weapons for back stabbing.
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there is a perk in Sneak where you get x15 normal attack damage for sneak attacks with a dagger. and thats about it.

there is also a perk where you get x3 normal damage for sneak attacks with bow and a perk where doing a sneak attack with one-handed weapons do six times damage.

the dark brotherhood gloves makes you able to do double damage with 1 handed weapons if you attack from behind.

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Daggers are the most damaging weapons of all (esp improved with smithing and with a bugfix for fortify onehanded), while having the worst reach and staggering power. While sneaking, they can one hit anything with a correct gear and build. Also, daggers are the only weapon type that doesn't disrupt sneaking, i.e. swinging it produces no noise. Edited by TimF
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Yeah that's what I thought but my one handed weapon appears to be doing more than my dagger. It's both confusing and disappointing.


This is true, but only as long as you do not have the "Assassin's Blade" Sneak perk. Note that the 15x multiplier only applies to daggers, whereas the "Backstab" perk, granting x6 damage, is applied to all weapons. Now, assume a given dagger has a base damage of 50, whereas a mace of the same material and upgrading (they're both flawless, or exquisite, or whatever,) hits, say... a random number, 105. "Backstab" would allow you to hit pretty high - 300 with the dagger and 630 with the mace. However, once you get "Assassin's Blade", a sneak attack with the mace would still hit 630, whereas the dagger would now hit 750.


See now what daggers are for? :D

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Yeah that's what I thought but my one handed weapon appears to be doing more than my dagger. It's both confusing and disappointing.


Daedric sword provides 14 base damage, or 15 dps. Dagger - 11 bd or 16 dps. Legendary (at 90 smithing with perk) sword - 24 damage and 26 dps, dagger - 21 dam and 31 dps.


Sneaking with dagger provides *30 multiplier to any attack (including dual power attack).


Numbers clearly show that daggers deal more.

Edited by TimF
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useless? I don't think there is any way to one shot a dragon with any other weapon. Daggers are useless? Think again. You can enter a dungeon and clear it out without anyone noticing you.
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