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Glitch with my hands in game?


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I've yet to find this issue or bug somewhere else as I'm not sure what you would even call it. I'm uncertain if it's a mod glitch or a Skyrim glitch. I can equip spells and weapons fine in my hands. But when using one handed weapons such as swords I can't block with my right hand when my weapon's in my left hand. Vice versa it works fine when my right hand has my weapon in it my other hand's idle. But when I do it the other way around my other hand is a fist for some reason and I can't seem to fix it.

Edited by underageh3eroes
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I don't think it's a bug, it's just designed that way. When you hold a shield it's in your left and that's just how the block mechanic was designed. I just did a quick search for "block" but it doesn't look there's any mod that changes that. I think it would be a bit involved because you'd have to program a block to occur on the other hand and create a new animation for it.

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